62 Percival Road , Eastbourne, United Kingdom

Law of Intestacy

The law of intestacy governs the distribution of a person’s estate when they die without leaving a valid will. In the absence of a will, the estate is distributed according to a set of legal rules which prioritize close family members. Typically, this means that spouses, civil partners, and children are the first to inherit, followed by more distant relatives if no immediate family is available. Without a clear plan, your estate might not be distributed according to your wishes, potentially leading to disputes and unintended consequences. At First Choice Heritage Will Writing Services, we help you create a comprehensive and legally binding will, ensuring that your assets are allocated according to your specific desires and providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Who Inherits Under Intestacy Rules?

When a person dies without a valid will, their estate is distributed according to the rules of intestacy. The primary beneficiaries under these rules are the deceased’s spouse or civil partner and children. If there are no direct descendants, the estate may pass to parents, siblings, or more distant relatives. Intestacy rules do not account for unmarried partners, friends, or charities, which can lead to unintentional exclusions.

Avoiding Intestacy with a Will

Creating a legally binding will is the most effective way to ensure your estate is distributed according to your wishes. A well-drafted will allows you to specify your beneficiaries, appoint guardians for minor children, and make provisions for your funeral arrangements. At First Choice Heritage Will Writing Services, we provide professional guidance to help you craft a will that reflects your intentions and secures your legacy for future generations.